Virtual College Visit! Columbus College of Art and Design Thursday, November 12 at 11:00am. See Mrs. Smith or email her at
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Reminder: Picture Retake Day is tomorrow, November 12th, in the high school auditorium. Group A students may come to the school at 9:30 AM if they need a retake. Those students that are quarantined but still need their picture taken may do so by calling 614-626-8685 to schedule an appointment for November 30th at the Lifetouch office.
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
WHS Picture Retake Day
REMINDER: Teacher In-Service is Monday, November 9. NO SCHOOL for students!
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Today, Pickaway County became a “RED” county due to an increased number of active COVID-19 cases in the county. I want to remind you that, instead of changing our means of delivering education to our students as our county alert level changes, we will examine the data within each of our school buildings in order to make changes. We will not move directly to a hybrid model automatically. Currently, Westfall has two positive cases at Westfall Elementary and three positive cases at the high school. These cases were identified yesterday and anyone needing to be quarantined has been notified. We have had very few positive cases since we resumed five-day-a-week classes. We will continue to monitor cases within Westfall Local Schools and exercise thorough safety measures. Jeff Sheets Superintendent
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Please see the attached job posting for: Two (2) Part-Time Educational Aides/Paraprofessionals at WES
about 4 years ago, Emily Clark
Job Posting
I am so thankful for the Westfall community. Your approval of the bond issue, allowing us to greatly improve our facilities, will benefit Westfall students for years to come. The impact that you have made on this community is immeasurable! I am thankful to the Board of Education for their vision! The bond issue committee, Community for Westfall Schools, worked so hard to make this happen by getting the positive message out to our constituents. Their tireless efforts were amazing to me, as was the financial support that many donors gave to this endeavor. Because of your support, great things are going to happen at Westfall! Go Mustangs! Jeff Sheets
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Thank you!
Mrs. Link's Independent Living Class is selling Fathers Table Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecakes (again this month) and Chef Pierre Apple pies for Thanksgiving! $15 each or 2 for $27. Pick up at Westfall High School 8:00am-4:00pm Monday through Thursday and Friday from 8:00am-2:00pm. Pre-order by emailing Cash or checks written to Westfall High School. All proceeds go toward groceries and supplies for cooking and daily living classes.
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake
Congratulations to Westfall High School's October Students & Staff Members of the Month! 9th - Lance Chalk - Lance is friendly, outgoing, and super smart. He is helpful and great to have in class. He completes his assignments, participates in class discussions, and asks questions. He is polite and always smiling. 10th - Timothy Williamson - He is an extremely hard worker and is always respectful. He is pleasant to talk to and would go out of his way to help anyone. He is cordial and well-spoken. 11th - Grace Johnson - Grace is very kind, hardworking, and helpful. 12th - Tamara Blanton - Tamara has worked hard to become a good student. She is pleasant to be around and is fun to have in class. Congratulations to our October Staff Members of the Month: Nick Downs and Debbie Hastings Pictured L-R: Timothy Williamson, Debbie Hastings, Tamara Blanton, and Lance Chalk
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Senior Parents: It's not too late to RSVP for Financial Aid/FAFSA Information Night tomorrow at 6 pm to learn more about paying for college. Just send an email to Hope to see you tomorrow night!
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Congratulations to state qualifier Caitlyn Shipley for placing 7th at Regionals with a time of 20:03! Caitlyn is the first girl from Westfall to qualify for state since 1998.
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Congratulations Lady Mustangs! District Champions!
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend! Don’t forget to change your clocks back one hour Saturday night/ Sunday morning!
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Fall Back
Career Dress-up Day was a hit! Many students dressed for success with the career they would like to have one day, and let's not forget our staff! They love a good dress-up day and joined in on the fun, dressing up as what they would have been if they had taken a different career path!
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Career Dress Day 1
Career Dress Day 2
Career Dress Day 3
Career Dress Day 4
Guess what's cooking in Mrs. Yeager's Family and Consumer Science class? Her students made culinary masterpieces with garlic bread pizza and had the whole hallway smelling delicious!
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Dress up for your future career on Thursday, October 29!
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Career Day
Westfall High School Student Council is hosting Haunted Hallways Wednesday, October 28th from 5:30pm-7:00pm. There will be candy, games, and a haunted house!
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Haunted Hallways
Please see the attached posting for Educational Aide/Paraprofessional at Westfall Elementary School
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Job Posting
Updated Try-Out Schedule for HS Girls Basketball:
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Try-Out Information
During National School Lunch Week, we celebrate the hard work and dedication of our school nutrition professionals. Now more than ever, their efforts have been vital to ensuring children get the nutrition they need. Recently, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is extending flexibilities to allow free breakfast and lunch to continue to be available to all Westfall students through June 2021. This unprecedented move is part of USDA's unwavering commitment to ensuring all children across America have access to nutritious food as the nation recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Best of luck to our girls golf team as they head to Columbus for the OHSAA State Championship! Practice round is set for today (Oct 15) and competition starts tomorrow (Oct 16 & 17) #mustangfamily
about 4 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
2020 Girls Golf Team