REMINDER: WMS Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up tomorrow and we'd love to meet with you! Parents can request a virtual or in-person conference with a teacher by accessing their student's Google Classroom, calling the office at 986-2941, or emailing the teacher directly.
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
PT Conferences
If you have not done so already this school year, please be sure to complete the Free and Reduced Price Meal Application at to check eligibility for helpful benefits.
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Free/Reduced Meal Application
WMS students participated in "Plant the Promise" for Red Ribbon Week by planting tulip bulbs around the front marquee. We can't wait to see them bloom in the spring and remind us of our Red Ribbon Week promises to make healthy choices!
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
We’d rather CHECK ourselves than wreck ourselves with drugs! #BuildingChampions #RedRibbonWeek
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
red ribbon spirit week
We cordially invite all veterans to join us for the Westfall High/Middle School Veterans Day Assembly on November 11 at 8:30 am in the high school gymnasium. See the attached invitation for more information. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Veterans Day
WMS held a Red Ribbon Week Art Contest, sponsored by the PARS and the National Family Partnership. The winners of the contest: Michelle Pickett (3RD), Lydia Burns (1ST), Kylie Evans (2ND), Searrah Johnson (4TH), with Art teacher Kathy Fuller, and Guidance Counselor Cameron Pavey.
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Art Contest
Mustangs Apparel Fall/Winter 2022 is now available! Shop at now until October 24, 2022
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Mustang SpiritWear
Any girl interested in WMS Basketball, there will be Open Gym/Tryouts October 24, 25 and 26 from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM in the DOME.
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Basketball Open Gym
WMS Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up on Tuesday, October 18. We'd love to meet with you! Parents can request a virtual or in-person conference with a teacher by accessing their student's Google Classroom, calling the office at 986-2941, or emailing the teacher directly.
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
PT Conferences
Additional Open Gym opportunities are available for WMS Lady Mustangs Basketball! Any interested players are welcome Monday, October 17 & Wednesday, October 19, from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM at the WES gymnasium.
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Basketball Open Gym
We'd rather mix up our clothes than get mixed up on drugs! #BuildingChampions #RedRibbonWeek
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Red Ribbon Spirit Week
Our students are celebrating the BRIGHT way because their futures are too bright for drugs! #BuildingChampions #RedRibbonWeek
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Red Ribbon Spirit Week
Picture retake day is Friday, Oct. 14. If you are a new student to WMS, didn't get your picture taken in September, or need retakes, please see the photographer when your class is called. Families can preview photos & order prints online AFTER Retake Day using EVENTCODE: FE35122.
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Picture Retakes
We're seeing red but in the best way! Great participation from our students who rallied in RED today to represent their "RED"-iness to live a drug-free life! #BuildingChampions #RedRibbonWeek
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Red Ribbon Spirit Week
UPDATE: The phone lines at Westfall Local School District are back up and running. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Congratulations to Ms. Wells' homeroom for collecting the most items for our food drive! With the help of Student Council and Westfall High School students, WMS participated in a food drive for Action Against Hunger. This campaign helps Community Cupboards in the surrounding area. The food will be used to stock the cupboards in the coming months. Students did it in collaboration with the Community Action day held on October 12. Thank you to all the students who participated in this worthwhile campaign!
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Action Against Hunger
We've got our best western gear on today for stompin' out drugs! Kicking off spirit wear with a lot of enthusiasm! #BuildingChampions #RedRibbonWeek
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Western Day
Currently, the phone lines at Westfall Local Schools are down. However, our technology department is aware of the situation and is working with Frontier Communications to get us back up and running. In the meantime, if you need to contact one of our offices, please use the following phone numbers: District Office number (740) 831-0410 High School number (740) 831-0411 Middle School number (740) 831-0412 Elementary School (740) 831-0413 We apologize for the inconvenience and will post again when service is restored.
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Congratulations to Mrs. Wells' first-period class! They are the winners of the Food Drive with a total contribution of 151 items and will receive a donut party next week! The rest of the totals are as follows: Mr. Lieb: 90 Mrs. Daniels: 89 Mrs. Blum: 64 Mrs. McFarland: 53 Ms. Evans: 40 Ms. Henry: 35 T: 22 Mrs. Bossert: 18 Mr. Brown: 13 Ms. Trivette: 10 Mr. Mathewson: 10 Ms. Holbrook: 5 GRAND TOTAL: 600 items! Thank you to everyone who participated! If you'd still like to contribute, donations can be dropped off at tonight's Homecoming Football Game!
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Next week, Pickaway County Area Recovery Services is sponsoring Red Ribbon Week at WMS. Red Ribbon Week is a National week of Advocacy for Drug Awareness and Prevention across the country. This year's theme is "Celebrate Life, Live Drug-Free," and we plan to get in the spirit!
about 2 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Red Ribbon Spirit Week