Join us for YOUTH NIGHT! Westfall Girls Youth Basketball will be recognized on December 7th during halftime of the Westfall vs. Southeastern varsity game. The varsity game will start approximately at 6:15 PM. Hope to see you there! Go Mustangs!
about 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Youth Night
This Friday, December 3, the Westfall vs. New Hope basketball game has been changed to a community event to honor Mason Roese, the son of New Hope's head coach, Shane Roese. Westfall's varsity team will be playing a game vs. a Westfall Alumni team at 6:30 PM. The game will be open to the community. Admission is free, while donations at the door will be accepted for the boys' basketball program. The Westfall Youth Association Biddy Boys Basketball players will play during halftime. There will be concessions and a chance to purchase vintage Mustang uniforms. There will also be a 50/50 raffle with all proceeds benefiting the Roese family.
about 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Alumni Game Promo
Thursday begins our 12 Days of Christmas dress up days at Westfall Elementary!
about 3 years ago, Katie Wynkoop
12 Days of Christmas 2021
REMINDER: 📸 Picture Retakes are Tuesday, November 30. 📸 If your student already got their picture taken, they just need to bring those pictures back. If your student wasn’t here on the first day, they will need to get their picture taken for the yearbook. 📸 If you’d like to order pictures online at, use our Picture Day ID: EVTPDXJBJ. There are also order forms here at school if you need one.
about 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
picture retakes
Wishing you, your family, and loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving! We are incredibly grateful for our students, families, staff, and entire community today and every day.
about 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated to our sock drive! Our goal was to collect 300 pairs of socks and we met that goal plus a whole lot more, collecting 1,880 pairs of socks!!! These socks will be split between Westfall CARES and a local homeless organization. Thank you!!!
about 3 years ago, Katie Wynkoop
Sock Drive
PJ Day is Tuesday, November 23!
about 3 years ago, Katie Wynkoop
PJ Day
Westfall Local School District will be in session Monday and Tuesday prior to Thanksgiving Break which runs from November 24-29. Classes will resume for students on Tuesday, November 30.
about 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
📸 Picture Retakes are Tuesday, November 30. 📸 If your student already got their picture taken, they just need to bring those pictures back. If your student wasn’t here on the first day, they will need to get their picture taken for the yearbook. If you’d like to order pictures online at, use our Picture Day ID: EVTPDXJBJ. There are also order forms here at school if you need one. Please contact your student’s classroom teacher and they can send one home.
about 3 years ago, Katie Wynkoop
Picture Retakes
Westfall Local School District currently seeking Substitute Custodians. Make a difference and join our team! Visit to view job openings and to print an application.
about 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Job Posting
To honor the men and women who have served our country, WES Student Council is hosting a drive-thru breakfast celebration for our veterans from 7:45-8:30 am! Please pull into the big parking lot out front and receive a gift bag as well as donuts and coffee.
about 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
WES Veterans Video
WES Lunch Menu Update for Thursday, November 11
about 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Menu Update
Daylight Saving Time Ends Sunday, November 7th. Don't forget to set your clocks back 1 hour!
about 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Daylight Saving Time
Next Thursday, November 11, WES Student Council is hosting a drive-thru breakfast celebration for our veterans from 7:45-8:30am! Please pull into the big parking lot out front and receive a gift bag as well as doughnuts and coffee. We hope you can join us to honor our veterans!
about 3 years ago, Katie Wynkoop
Veterans Day celebration reminder
Congratulations to our October REAL Mustangs!!
about 3 years ago, Katie Wynkoop
October REAL Mustangs 2021
Veteran names, pictures, and RSVP's are due TOMORROW. Names and pictures will be accepted until November 3rd. Thank you for helping us honor our veterans!
about 3 years ago, Katie Wynkoop
Veterans Day video reminder
Mrs. Woods' class has been working on beginning, middle, end & point of view this week. To go along with the Halloween theme, they read Creepy Carrots. Students wrote about the point of view of both main characters & picked important events for their summary. Then they created their own creepy carrot!
about 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Creepy Carrots
WES Student Council is hosting a drive-thru Trunk or Treat on Wednesday, October 27! In order to help the process go more smoothly, we are splitting the evening into two groups: Preschool-2nd grade 5:00-6:15 and 3rd grade-5th grade 6:30-7:45.
about 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
trunk or treat
Kick off your Christmas shopping at the Student Council Spirit Store! Be to sure to check out the Santa Claus Mustang items! Visit now until November 4!
about 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
Wishing our ladies luck today as they represent Westfall Local School District at the Circleville Pumpkin Show!
about 3 years ago, Westfall Local Schools
pumpkin show