Pickaway SWCD, Parks District, and Solid Waste District have partnered to host "Backyard Composting" on April 27th, from 6-8 pm at the Pickaway County Fairgrounds Heritage Hall. All ages and experience levels are welcome! Refreshments provided!
about 5 years ago, Westfall Schools
A poster with vegetables in the background. Green overlays the vegetables with white print that reads, "Backyard Composting. April 27th, 2020 6-8pm at The Pickaway County Fair Grounds Heritage Hall. This workshop is for all ages and experience levels; however, the focus will be for beginner level composting. There will be a special activity and lesson for children under age 12 during the adult session. Food & drinks will be provided. Preregistration required by April 22. Contact Arista Hartzler. 740-420-5451. ahartzler@pickaway.org. Registration fees (no refunds). Adults: $5.00 per person. Children 12 and under are free.